Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 FILEEMAILHOST HBAM3016AUG95@ mastercard registration preferences product exercise generalC general healthC habit healthC managementB painB managementB fective combination trimA ultraA ultra-perfectA unitedA wantA weightA withA combinationA perfectA perfect combinationA perfectA ultraA ultra perfectA perfectA theseA these ultra perfectA ultraA usesA registration 2.6.7b2A versionA version 2.6.7b2A 2.6.7r3A versionA version 2.6.7r3A statesA stimulatingG strengthE strengtheningG stressC sulfateB supplementE surrenderB systemA technologiesG thatA ultra-perfect system highly effective combination themE thisE thousandsF throughoutG timesF sexual health formula based advanced traceH traditionalG trimA twentyH ultraA ultra-perfectA undigestedF uniqueG unitedA unlikeH uponG usingE usrdiH verifiedE vitaminH vitaminsH wantA waterD weightA whichG whileC withA worksF works sponge thousands microscopic fibers yearsG yourB creatineE creatine monohydrateE excessD excess water pillD fatigueC fatigue assassinC glucosamineB www_categories www_search www_neworder www_detail www_updateItem www_specials www_checkout www_deleteDate www_orderList CartOK3 www_mailingLabels www_shipped A www_admin www_addCustomer www_updateCustomer www_custCheckout www_closeup www_updateCredit Orders A Customers Template Products About... Address Setup Credit Setup www_PostProcess EndUserLicLayout End User License Internet Setup Registration Ordered Items Customers - List Products - List www_orderUpdate Internet Setup - Registered www_creditSetup www_ordersFind www_productsFind _productsFind CUSTATTRIB3 CUSTBILLINGADDRESS CUSTBILLINGCITY CUSTBILLINGCOUNTRY CUSTBILLINGFIRSTNAME CUSTBILLINGLASTNAME CUSTBILLINGORGANIZATION CUSTBILLINGPOSTALCODE CUSTBILLINGSTATEPROVINCE CUSTCITY CUSTCOUNTRY CUSTCUSTOMERID CUSTCUSTOMERNUMBER CUSTCUSTOMERNUMBERIMPORT CUSTEMAIL CUSTFAX CUSTFIRSTNAME CUSTLASTNAME CUSTORGANIZATION CUSTPASSWORD CUSTPHONE CUSTPOSTALCODE CUSTSHIPPINGMETHOD CUSTSTATEPROVINCE FILEADDRESS FILEADMIN FILECARTRESULT3 FILECATEGORYLIST FILECITY FILECLOSEUP FILECONSOLIDATEDSHIPPING FILECONSOLIDATEDSHIPPINGRATE FILECONSOLIDATESHIPPINGRATEINDEX FILECONVERTDATABASE FILECONVERTSTORENAME FILECONVERTURL FILECOOKIELIFE FILECOUNTRY FILECREDITCARDS FILECURRENCYPOSITION FILECURRENCYSYMBOL FILECUSTOMER3 FILECUSTOMERCHECKOUT FILECUSTOMERUPDATE3 FILEDECIMALSEP FILEDECON FILEEMAIL FILEEMAILBCC ILEEMAIL FILEEMAILBCC FILEEMAILHOST FILEENDUSERLIC FILEENDUSERLICRES FILEEXP FILEEXPIRATION FILEFAX FILEFIRSTUSE FILEIMPORTFIELD FILEINVDESCRIP FILELENGTHOFSTORE FILELENGTHOFURL FILEMANUFACTURERLIST FILEMERCHANTID FILEMODE FILEMODIFIEDREGDATE FILENAME ( FILEPHONE FILEPOSTPROCESS FILESECUREDURL FILESERIALNUM FILESHERLOCK FILESHERLOCKBANNERIMAGE FILESHERLOCKBANNERURL FILESHERLOCKDATA FILESHIPPINGHELP FILESHIPPINGRULE FILESTATE FILESTATICNUM FILESUBCATEGORYLIST FILESWITCHLAY FILETAXRATE FILETBDATE FILETHOUSSEP FILETYPE FILEUPDATECREDIT FILEUPDATENAME3 FILEURL FILEUSERNAME FILEUSERPASSWORD FILEVERSION FILEWEBSITE FILEYESTERDAY FILEZIP ITMMANUFACTURER ITMORDERID ITMPRICE ITMPRICECALC ITMPRODUCTID ITMPRODUCTNAME ITMQUANTITY ITMSHIP ITMTOTALPRICE ITMTOTALPRICECALC ITMTOTALPRICETAXCALC ITMWEIGHT ORDACCOUNTNUMBER ORDACCTLENGTH ORDACCTNUMCLEANUP ORDACCTVALIDATION ORDAUTHCODE ORDCOMMENT ORDCOUNTRYTAX ORDCOUNTRYTAXCALC ORDCUSTOMERCOUNTRY ORDCUSTOMERNUMBER ORDCUSTOMERSTATE ORDEXPBROWSEDATE ORDEXPIRATIONDATE ORDGLOBALTAX ORDGLOBALTAXCALC ORDGLOBALTAXREL ORDMETHOD ORDORDERDATE ORDORDERID ORDORDERTOTAL ORDORDERTOTALATS ORDORDERTOTALCALC ORDPRODUCTWEIGHT ORDQUANTITY ORDSHIPPED ORDSHIPPING ORDSHIPPINGCALC ORDSHIPPINGINPUT ORDSHIPPINGMETHOD ORDSHIPPINGSUM ORDSTATETAX ORDSTATETAXCALC N ORDSTATUS ORDTAX DSTATUS ORDTAX ORDTAX PRODATTRIB4 PRODATTRIB4INDEX PRODATTRIB4REL PRODATTRIB5 PRODATTRIB5REL PRODATTRIB6 PRODATTRIB6REL PRODATTRIB7 PRODATTRIB7REL PRODATTRIB8 PRODATTRIB8REL PRODCATEGORY PRODCATEGORYREL PRODDESCRIPTION PRODDESCRIPTIONREL PRODDESCRIPTIONTRUNC PRODDISCPRICE PRODDISCPRICECALC PRODDISCPRICECALCII he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t retentionD safeA scientificE scientific research verified natural dietE sexualG significantB smokersI smokers relief 7-day smoking cessation program scientifI smokingI soakingF sodiumH spongeF system highly effective combination themE thisE trimA ultraA ultra-perfectA unitedA usingE verifiedE wantA waterD weightA whileC withA worksF yourB natural ginsengC combinationA diureticD energyE energy powerhouseE ginsengC herbalD jointB naturalC natural herbal diureticD perfectA powerhouseE rejuvenativeB rejuvenative joint therapyB perfect combinationA therapyB assassinC chondroitinB creatineE creatine monohydrateE excessD excess water pillD fatigueC fatigue assassinC glucosamineB custbillingLastNameB custbillingOrganizationB custbillingPostalCodeB custbillingStateProvinceB custCityB custCountryB custCustomerIDB custCustomerNumberB Customer A custEmailB custFaxB custFirstNameB custLastNameB custOrganizationB custPasswordB custPasswordB wordB A custPhoneB custPostalCodeB custStateProvinceB fileAddressB fileCityB fileCreditCardsB !A fileEmailB fileFaxB fileInvDescripB fileModeB fileModifiedRegDateB fileNameB )A filePhoneB fileSerialNumB /A fileStateB fileStaticNumB Registration fileTaxRateB fileTypeB fileUpdateCreditB [inline:database=" ", layout="Orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordAccountNumber"=(form_param:"ordAccountNumber"), "ordMethod"=(form_param:"ordMethod"), "ordExpirationDate"=(form_param:"ordExpirationDate"), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" ", update] [/inline] assword=""" & & """, update] [/inline]") Utilities 11/9/99 CUSTADDRESS CUSTATTRIB1 CUSTATTRIB2 fileURLB fileZipB itmManufacturerB itmOrderIDB itmPriceCalcB itmProductIDB itmProductNameB itmQuantityB itmShipB itmTotalPriceCalcB ordAccountNumberB ordCustomerNumberB ordExpirationDateB HA ordMethodB shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] Smoking Habit%Smoking MasterCardg 11/2/99p Registrationt Preferences 9/6/99 32899 Registration Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityoitinB creatineE creatine monohydrateE excessD excess water pillD fatigueC fatigue assassinC glucosamineB ordOrderDateB ordOrderIDB ordOrderTotalCalcB ordShippingCalcB Minimum Consolidated MA ordStatusB ordStateTaxCalcB prodAddHandleB 4 = "Yes" ~) * prodAddHandleB prodCategoryB prodDescriptionB prodDiscPriceCalcB prodDiscRateB TA prodGirthB prodHazardousB prodHeightB prodIDB X-You must create a unique ID for this product. XA prodLabelB prodLengthB prodManufacturerB prodLengthB prodManufacturerB creatinesm.jpg 24.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Scientific research ... Size: Small, Large The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t prodNameB prodOversizeB prodPicturePathB ^A prodPriceB prodReleasedB prodShippingCostB prodSpecialB prodTaxableB prodUPCB prodUsesB prodWeightB gA prodWidthB fileMerchantIDB prodPictureB fileTBDateB mTBDateB fileExpB fileYesterdayB fileImportFieldB Registration prodPictOrPathB path2 ordOrderTotalATSB ordExpBrowseDateB closed Order ordShippedB fileVersionB Version 2.6.7r5 fileUpdateName3B [var_set:'dtb'=" closed Order ordShippedB fileVersionB "Version 2.6.7" Version 2.6.7 fileUpdateName3B A&"[var_set:'dtb'=""" & ) & """]" [var_set:'dtb'=" fileUserNameB fileUserPasswordB A fileAdminB [if:(form_param:'userName' == ' !') && (form_param:'password' == ' ')] [cookie_set:'dbName' = ' #', path='/'] [var_set:'dbName' = ' '] [include:'index.lasso'] [else]

One or more of the parameters you have entered is incorrect. Please try again or consult your store host.

[include:'default.html'] [/if] fileCartResult3B _param:'userName' == ' !') && (form_param:'password' == ' ')] [cookie_set:'dbName' = ' #', path='/'] [var_set:'dbName' = ' '] [include:'index.lasso'] [else]

One or more of the parameters you have entered is incorrect. Please try again or consult your store host.

[include:'default.html'] [/if] fileCartResult3B shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 6ctice of traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, which is thousands of years old and has been proven throughout history to be a unique system based upon the use of healing, strengthening and health stimulating herbs. X'Nature's Ultimate Sexual Health Product Top Gun3 The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility is common to t "LIVE" "Enabled" EnabledK$ "Leading" LeadingL" "Global" GlobalMj m = "E" = "Y" ) = 0 versionA version 2.6.7r3A version 2.6.7r4A version 2.6.7r5A 7-dayI beatB fatigueC foodH perfect fromD healtG beatB lessenC lessen fatigue likeF perfectH reliefD relief water researchE scientificE scientific researchE sexualG smokersI smokers relief 7-dayI spongeF ultra-perfect sexual healtG ultra-perfectA wantB waterD worksF works spongeF smoking habitI habit smokingI smokingI ((form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount) !='')] [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), ' - ')] 0[if:((form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount)!='')] [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount),'/')] 5[/if][if :((form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount)!='')] [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount),'/')][/if] [if:((form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_pa he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' :"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', update] ' [/inline][else][inline:database=" ", layout="www_updateItem", "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"Quantity", loopcount), recid=(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', update] P [/inline] [/if][/if] [/loop] [else:if:token_value == "delete"] [inline:database=" M", layout="www_itemDelete", Recor dID=(form_param:"recNum"), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' 6', delete] [include:"cart.lasso"] [/inline] [else][if:cookie:'custNum'== ""] [inline:database=" ?", layout="www_newOrder", "fileType"="Order", ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', add] .[cookie_set:'custNum'=(recid_value), expires=' ', path='/'] 7[var_set:"custNum" = field:"ordOrderID"] [/inline] % [loop:(form_param:"qty", count)] W[if:((form_param:"qty", loopcount) != "") && ((form_param:"qty", loopcount) != "Call")] [inline: database=" ", layout="www_orderedItems", "itmOrderID"=(var:"custNum"), "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"qty", loopcount), "itmProductID"=(form_param:'prod', EncodeRaw, (loopcount)), 'itmProductName'= O(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount ), Raw), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', add] [/inline] [/if] 8[/loop] [else] [loop:(form_param:"qty", count)] W[if:((form_param:'qty', loopcount) != '') && ((form_param:'qty', loopcount) != 'Call')] [inline: database=' ', layout='www_orderedItems', 'itmOrderID'=(cookie:'custNum'), 'itmQuantity'=(form_param:'qty', loopcount), 'itmProductID'=(form_param:'prod', loopcount), 'itmProductName'=(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopco unt), EncodeRaw), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', add] [/inline] [/if] [/loop] [/if] [/if] [if:token_value != "delete"] [if:(form_param:'go')!=''] [include:(form_param:'go')] [else] [include:"cartview.lasso"] [/if] [/if] fileCustomer3B oopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib6' , loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount)! shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Works like a sponge with thousands of microscopic fibers soaking up excess fat and binding them into undigested mass that the body can eliminate naturally. It is noted that each capsule can absorb up to fifteen (15) times its own weight in undigested fat from your foods. Fat Absorber absorbsm.jpg 39.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Works like a sponge...can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility:' Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List ', ClientPassword=' ', update] [HEADER] HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND Location: URI: [/HEADER] [/inline] [/inline] [/if] fileCloseUpB [inline: database=" ", layout="www_orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordStatus"="Closed", "ordAuthcode"=(form_param:"authcode"), Clientusername = " ", ClientPassword=" ", update] [variable_set:"emailName" = (field:"ordCustomers::custEmail")] [variable_set:"searchNum" = (field:"ordOrderID")] [variable_set:"subject" = (string_concatenate:" ", " Invoice - ", " !", Raw)] [variable_set:"from" = " "] [variable_set:"host" = " "] [B.variable_set:"bcc" = " [/inline] filePostProcessB 3[var_set:'go'=(form_param:'go')][inline: database=" ", layout="www_customers", N"fileType"="Customer", "custPassword"=(form_param:"custPassword", EncodeRaw), 9"custFirstName"=(form_param:'custFirstName', EncodeRaw), 7"custLastName"=(form_param:"custLastName", EncodeRaw), ?"custOrganization"=(form_param:"custOrganization", EncodeRaw), d"custAddress"=(form_param:"custAddress", EncodeRaw), "custCity"=(form_param:"custCity", EncodeRaw), A"custStateProvince"=(f orm_param:"custStateProvince", EncodeRaw), ;"custPostalCode"=(form_param:"custPostalCode", EncodeRaw), e"custCountry"=(form_param:"custCountry", EncodeRaw), "custEmail"=(form_param:"custEmail", EncodeRaw), _ "custPhone"=(form_param:"custPhone", EncodeRaw), "custFax"=(form_param:"custFax", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib1"=(form_param:"custAttrib1", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), G"custbill ingFirstName"=(form_param:"custbillingFirstName", EncodeRaw), E"custbillingLastName"=(form_param:"custbillingLastName", EncodeRaw), M"custbillingOrganization"=(form_param:"custbillingOrganization", EncodeRaw), C"custbillingAddress"=(form_param:"custbillingAddress", EncodeRaw), ="custbillingCity"=(form_param:"custbillingCity", EncodeRaw), O"custbillingStateProvince"=(form_param:"custbillingStateProvince", EncodeRaw), I"custbillingPostalCode"=(form_param:"custbillingPostal 1Code", EncodeRaw), S"custbillingCountry"=(form_param:"custbillingCountry", EncodeRaw), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" >", 'custShippingMethod'=(form_param:'method', EncodeRaw), add] W[if:(var:'go')!=''] [include:(var:'go')] [else] [include:'customerconfirm.lasso'] [/if] [/inline] fileCustomerUpdate3B 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), G"custbi Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: j Released: Price: Disc. Percent: Description: Uses: Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Products Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Ext. Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information :ct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :duct Information :duct Information :duct Information :duct Information :duct Information :uct Information :duct Information :duct Information :duct Information :duct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information :uct Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Edit... Edit... Edit... Edit... prodID prodName prodCategory prodSubCategory prodManufacturer prodDescription prodPicturePath prodUses prodAttrib1 prodAttrib2 prodAttrib3 prodAttrib4 prodAttrib5 prodAttrib6 prodAttrib7 prodAttrib8 m prodLabel prodReleased o prodPrice prodDiscRate prodUPC prodSpecial prodPicture prodTaxable prodDiscPrice Return to Products Layout 3[var_set:'go'=(form_param:'go')][inline: database=" ", layout="www_customers", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), 7"custPassword"=(form_param:"custPassword", EncodeRaw), 9"custFirstName"=(form_param:"custFirstName", EncodeRaw), 7"custLastName"=(form_param:"custLastName", EncodeRaw), ?"custOrganization"=(form_param:"custOrganization", EncodeRaw), d"custAddress"=(form_param:"custAddress", EncodeRaw), "custCity"=(form_param:"custCity", EncodeRaw), A"custStatePro vince"=(form_param:"custStateProvince", EncodeRaw), ;"custPostalCode"=(form_param:"custPostalCode", EncodeRaw), e"custCountry"=(form_param:"custCountry", EncodeRaw), "custEmail"=(form_param:"custEmail", EncodeRaw), _ "custPhone"=(form_param:"custPhone", EncodeRaw), "custFax"=(form_param:"custFax", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib1"=(form_param:"custAttrib1", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), "custbillingFirstName"=(form_param:"custbillingFirstName", EncodeRaw), E"custbillingLastName"=(form_param:"custbillingLastName", EncodeRaw), M"custbillingOrganization"=(form_param:"custbillingOrganization", EncodeRaw), C"custbillingAddress"=(form_param:"custbillingAddress", EncodeRaw), ="custbillingCity"=(form_param:"custbillingCity", EncodeRaw), O"custbillingStateProvince"=(form_param:"custbillingStateProvince", EncodeRaw), I"custbillingPostalCode"=(form_param:"custbill =ingPostalCode", EncodeRaw), S"custbillingCountry"=(form_param:"custbillingCountry", EncodeRaw), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" A", 'custShippingMethod'=(form_param:'method', EncodeRaw), update] W[if:(var:'go')!=''] [include:(var:'go')] [else] [include:'customerconfirm.lasso'] [/if] [/inline] fileCustomerCheckoutB 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), [inline:database=" ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" ", update] =='Custom'] /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')] 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')] 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum')] /[variable_set:'orderTax'=(field:'ordTaxFinal')] @[variable_set:'state'=(field:'ordCustomers::custSta teProvince')] B[variable_set:'postalCode'=(field:'ordCustomers::custPostalCode')] <[variable_set:'country'=(field:'ordCustomers::custCountry')] 7[variable_set:'orderWeight'=(field:'ordProductWeight')] [else] 3[variable_set:'shipping'=(field:'ordShippingCalc')] [/if] [inline:database=' ', layout='www_orders', recordid=(recordid_value), 'ordShippingInput'=(variable: 'shipping'), 'ordShippingMethod'=(variable:'method'), 'ordComment'=(variable:'msg'), ClientUserName /[variable_set:'orderTax'=(field:'ordTaxFinal')] @[variable_set:'state'=(field:'ordCustomers::custStateProvince')] B[variable_set:'postalCode'=(field:'ordCustomers::custPostalCode')] <[variable_set:'country'=(field:'ordCustomers::custCountry')] 7[variable_set:'orderWeight'=(field:'ordProductWeight')] [else] 3[variable_set:'shipping'=(field:'ordShippingCalc')] [/if] [inline:database=' ', layout='www_orderShipping', recordid=(recordid_value), 'ordShippingInput '=(variable: 'shipping'), 'ordShippingMethod'=(variable:'method'), 'ordComment'=(variable:'msg'), ClientUserName=' ', ClientPassword=' ', update] [/inline] p[var_set:'recNum' = (field:'ordOrderID')] [var_set:'custID' = (field:'ordCustomers::custCustomerID')] [/inline] &[HEADER] HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND Location: @checkout.lasso?recNum=[var:"recNum"]&custID=[var:'custID'] URI: Fcheckout.lasso?recNum=[var:"recNum"]&custID=[var:'custID'] [/HEADER] [else] fileEndUserLicB fileEndUserLicResB fileFirstUseB fileEmailHostB fileEmailBCCB fileWebSiteB fileSecuredURLB fileConsolidatedShippingB fileConsolidatedShippingRateB ordAuthCodeB [inline:database=" ", layout="www_orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordAccountNumber"=(form_param:"ordAccountNumber"), "ordMethod"=(form_param:"ordMethod"), "ordExpirationDate"=(form_param:"ordExpirationDate"), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" ", update] [variable_set:"emailName" = (field:"ordCustomers::custEmail")] [variable_set:"searchNum" = (field:"ordOrderID")] [variable_set:"subject" = (string_concatenate:" ", " Invoice - ", " !", Raw)] [variable_set:"from" = " "] [variable_set:"host" = " "] [variable_set:"bcc" = " `"] [variable_set:"stat" = (field:"ordAcctValidation")] [variable_set:"url" = (field:"fileURL")] [/inline] [if:var:"stat"!="Invalid"] [if:(form_param:'go')!=''][include:(form_param:'go')][else][include:"thanks.lasso"][/if] [else] [if:(form_param:'errortrap')!=''][include:(form_param:'errortrap')][else][include:"nothanks.lasso"][/if] [/if] shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Health ?Top Gun sexual health formula is based on the most advanced bio-medical technologies combined with the practice of traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, which is thousands of years old and has been proven throughout history to be a unique system based upon the use of healing, strengthening and health stimulating herbs. X'Nature's Ultimate Sexual Health Product Top Gunhe API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t Invalid Valid Invalid22 fileSwitchLayB ordAcctNumCleanUpB ordAcctLengthB ordAcctValidationB Invalid shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] Customer t:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' tionB Invalid222 fileConvertURLB fileLengthofURLB fileConvertDatabaseB fileConvertStoreNameB fileLengthofStoreB prodDescriptionTruncB taxRateB taxShippingB taxStateB ordCustomerStateB prodAttrib1B prodAttrib2B prodAttrib3B prodAttrib4B prodAttrib5B prodAttrib6B prodAttrib7B prodAttrib8B prodVerticalIDB prodLinkIDB prodDescriptionRelB prodAttrib1RelB prodAttrib2RelB prodAttrib3RelB prodAttrib4RelB prodAttrib5RelB prodAttrib6RelB prodAttrib7RelB prodAttrib8RelB prodUsesRelB prodUPCRelB prodSpecialRelB prodReleasedRelB prodPicturePathRelB prodPictureRelB prodPictOrPathRelB prodNameRelB prodManufacturerRelB prodLabelRelB gA prodIDRelB X-You must create a unique ID for this product. prodDiscPriceRelB prodCategoryRelB fileCurrencySymbolB itmPriceB PriceB mPriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB PriceB Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Weight:S Height:U Width:W Girth:Y Additional Handling:[ Oversize:] Length:_ Hazardous Materials:` Fixed Shipping Cost:b Shipping Informationc Productsd Findf Deleteg Backh Forwardi Go Lastj Go First Information Shipping & Links Product Namer Product IDs Deletet prodWeighty prodHeightz prodWidth{ prodLength| prodGirth} prodAddHandle~ prodOversize prodHazardous prodShippingCost prodVertical: :prodVerticalID prodVertical: :prodNameRel Return to Products Leading Enabled Enabled itmTotalPriceB Customers - Web FieldsB Leading Enabled Enabled ordShippingInputB ordTaxB he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Leading Enabled Enabled prodDiscPriceB ordShippingSumB ordTotalSumB ordQuantityB custShippingMethodB ordProductWeightB A itmWeightB prodProductCountB prodVerticalCountB fileShippingRuleB fileShippingHelpB hippingHelpB ShippingHelpB hippingHelpB ippingHelpB ippingHelpB ippingHelpB HelpB fileCookieLifeB fileSherlockB prodSubCategoryB prodSubCategoryRelB fileSherlockDataB 1999 Imacination Software # Imacination Software - Ch-ching! store search " 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityord 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. \ Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. Y You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from an y responsibility for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. ?The following Variables are available to your script for use: [method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. Aquantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. OshippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. ?orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax #state - Customer's shipping state. .postalCode - Customer's shipping postal code. 'country - Customer's shipping country. RorderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. tThe API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' a nd 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to the mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:' shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] H [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 1999 Imacination Software # Imacination Software - Ch-ching! store search ` f fileSherlockBannerImageB fileSherlockBannerURLB custAttrib1B custAttrib2B custAttrib3B prodDiscPriceCalcIIB ordShippingMethodB fileCountryB fileManufacturerListB p" value="cn"> ` f 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' www_verticalSearchB D CustomersE Orders FPTHA/Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA ch-ching_export.fp3 RPTHA&::::Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3 alisA Macintosh HD ch-ching_export.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Desktop Folder /Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3 (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTA4Product Customer Order Preferences Registration VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( Products ListG Ordered ItemsH ProductsI Internet SetupK Address SetupL Credit SetupM About...R State/Province Localityo Tax Ratep Tax Shipping?q Additional Tax Rate Credit Setup Customers - List Credit Setupv Delete Applicable Products www_mainSpecialsB lbs. lbs. Address SetupK Internet SetupL About...M Customers - ListN Credit SetupO OrdersP CustomersQ ProductsR Products - ListS Ordered Items www_customersB Address SetupL Internet SetupM About...N Customers - ListO Credit SetupP OrdersQ CustomersR ProductsS Products - ListT Ordered Items Address SetupL Internet SetupM About...N Customers - ListO Credit SetupP OrdersQ CustomersR ProductsS Products - ListT Ordered Items Products - ShippingB lbs. Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items Address SetupS Internet SetupT About...U Customers - ListV Credit SetupW OrdersX CustomersY ProductsZ Products - List[ Ordered Items ipt for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility Shipping RuleB Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Weight: Height: Width: Girth: Additional Handling: [ Oversize: Length: Hazardous Materials:` Fixed Shipping Cost: Shipping Informationc Productsd Findf Deleteg Backh Forwardi Go Lastj Go First Information Shipping & Links Product Namer Product IDs Deletet View Web Field Labels shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 5ur list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t Shipping Rule - HelpB A CustomersB Orders Products - List Ordered ItemsE ProductsG Internet Setup Customers - List Credit Setup About... Company Name Company Address State Postal Code` Your Company Address Fax Number Phone Number~ Method Shipping Rate Currency Symbol Localization Shipping Rule Address Setup Customer Cart Life Cart Settings A CustomersB Orders Products - List Ordered ItemsE ProductsG Internet Setup Customers - List Credit Setup About... Company Name Company Address State Postal Code ArCompany Name and Address - enter your company address information as you would like to see it appear on invoices. wwwwww wwwwww Your Company Address Fax Number Phone Number~ Method Shipping Rate $Shipping Rate - Choose the shipping rate that best matches your business model. Consolidated will charge the same rate for every order. Minimum will charge the greater of either the Rate or the sum of the Fixed Product Rates. Calculated will simply charge the sum of the Fixed Product Rate wwwwww wwwwww Currency Symbol Localization Shipping Rule Address Setup Expanded DescriptionB Expanded UsageB lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products Description for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products www_sherlockDataB www_shippingDetailB Address SetupF Internet SetupG About...H Customers - ListI Credit SetupJ OrdersK CustomersL ProductsM Products - ListN Ordered Items www_orderShippingB Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Q}Relief from water retention and bloating, the Excess Water pill helps you rid your body of excess fluids that cause bloating. Natural Herbal Diuretic Excess Water Pill excesssm.jpg Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Relief from water re... The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els www_itemDeleteB www_cartB Address SetupE Internet SetupF About...G Customers - List Address SetupE Internet SetupF About...G Customers - ListH Credit SetupI OrdersJ CustomersK ProductsL Products - ListM Ordered Items www_shippingRuleB Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items Address SetupF Internet SetupG About...H Customers - ListI Credit SetupJ OrdersK CustomersL ProductsM Products - ListN Ordered Items www_prodLinkB Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items www_ordersB Address Setup Internet SetupK About...L Customers - ListM Credit SetupN OrdersO CustomersP ProductsQ Products - ListR Ordered Items About... - PreregisteredB for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders g Customers Products Products - List Ordered Items Attrib 1 EditB A Customers Orders Products - List Ordered Items Products Internet Setup Address Setup Credit Setup Customers - List Imacination Software 1937 Goodyear Ave. #707 Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: 1-800-244-5332 Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Pacific Standard Time Monday - Friday wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww For Technical Support please email for a response within one business day. WARNING: This solution contains password(s) which can only be provided by Imacination Software. This application file is not customizable, contact Imacination Software for information on customizing this solution.` Registered To:a Activation Key:b Mode:c Registerf!Click To Connect To Our Web Site.iPCopyright 1998 - 1999 Imacination Ch-Ching! - The Instant Internet Store Builder About... This demo has expired. Press OK to connect to the Imacination Software Web site to purchase Ch-Ching! or register your software.t Cancel Attrib 2 EditB lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List ORDTOTALSUM PRODADDHANDLE PRODATTRIB1 PRODATTRIB1INDEX PRODATTRIB1REL PRODATTRIB2 PRODATTRIB2INDEX PRODATTRIB2REL PRODATTRIB3 PRODATTRIB3INDEX PRODATTRIB3REL PRODATTRIB4 PRODATTRIB4INDEX PRODATTRIB4REL PRODATTRIB5 PRODATTRIB5REL PRODATTRIB6 PRODATTRIB6REL PRODATTRIB7 PRODATTRIB7REL PRODATTRIB8 PRODATTRIB8REL PRODCATEGORY PRODCATEGORYREL PRODDESCRIPTION PRODDESCRIPTIONREL PRODDESCRIPTIONTRUNC PRODDISCPRICE PRODDISCPRICECALC PRODDISCPRICECALCII PRODDISCPRICEREL PRODDISCRATE S PRODGIRTH PRODHAZARDOUS PRODHEIGHT PRODID W PRODIDREL g PRODLABEL PRODLABELREL PRODLENGTH PRODLINKID PRODMANUFACTURER PRODMANUFACTURERREL PRODNAME PRODNAMEREL PRODOVERSIZE PRODPICTORPATH PRODPICTORPATHREL Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products Attrib 1 Attrib 3 EditB lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: Upgrade 2.6.7r2wicked hanging tapers unscented octagonal unscented candle sconce unscented candle octagonaly j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products Attrib 2 Attrib 4 EditB lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products Attrib 3 www_taxB lbs. Address Setup Internet Setup About... Customers - List Credit Setup Orders Ordered Items A Customers Products - List Name: d Category: Manufacturer: Label: for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t j Released: Price: Discount Percent: Description: Uses: Import Picture Additional Attributes Attrib 1: Attrib 5: Attrib 6: Attrib 7: Attrib 8: Picture Name: Delete Forward Go Last Go First Information Extended Price: Taxable: Picture: 6 Attrib 2: 7 Attrib 3: 8 Attrib 4: Product Information Shipping & Links @ Special?: Sub Category: Products Attrib 4 Edit Shipping RateB he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' www_attribsB A CustomersB Orders Products - List Ordered ItemsE ProductsG Internet Setup Customers - List Credit Setup About... Company Name Company Address State Postal Code` Your Company Address Phone Number Method Shipping Rate Currency Symbol Localization Set Custom Shipping Script Customer Cart Life Shipping Rate Currency Symbol Localization Set Custom Shipping Script Customer Cart Life Cart Settings Fax Number Country Address Setup Address Setup - RegisteredB Address SetupS Internet SetupT About...U Customers - ListV Credit SetupW OrdersX CustomersY ProductsZ Products - List[ Ordered Items www_addressSetupB either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityng - Box of 6 Pair A CustomersB Orders Products - List Ordered ItemsE ProductsG Internet Setup Customers - List Credit Setup About... Company Name Company Address State Postal Code` Your Company Address Phone Number Address Setup Method Shipping Rate Currency Symbol: Localization Set Custom Shipping Script Customer Cart Life: Cart Settings Fax Number Country Edit... Decimal Separator: Thousands Separator: Product = "N" Canceljt 33ttWt xuYou cannot upgrade versions while you have new records in your database. If you would like to upgrade, click OK and I will erase the existing records and import the old records from your previous version.E+ ) = 1 | = "Version 2.6.7b4" | = "Version 2.6.7b3" | = "Version 2.6.7b2" Version 2.6.7b4 Version 2.6.7b3 Version 2.6.7b2 | = "Version 2.6.7" Version 2.6.7 | = "Version 2.6.7r2" | = "Version 2.6.7r3" | = "Version 2.6.7r4" Version 2.6.7r2 Version 2.6.7r3 Version 2.6.7r4 for further upgrade information. Do Nothing Delete Portal Row Cross Relate Custom Shipping Duplicate Record Sort Records Category Cleanup Delete Products Upgrade Beta Versions Upgrade 2.6.7 Upgrade 2.6.7r2 Change Password Upgrade 2.6.7r4 able:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] Address SetupC Internet SetupD About...E Customers - ListF Credit SetupG OrdersH CustomersI ProductsJ Products - ListK Ordered Items www_orderedItemsB About... *+---------------Layouts------------------+ Orders Ordered Items Products Customers Customers - List Products - List Preferences - Address Preferences - Credit Preferences - Internet Go To Customer Record Attrib 1 - Edit Attrib 2 - Edit Attrib 3 - Edit Attrib 4 - Edit Open Layout Close Layout &*+---------------Perform Finds------------+ Find Orders Find Customers Find Products Find Taxes Find Shipping Rules Find Verical Links 4)+---------------New Records------------+ New Customer 8 New Order New Product New Tax New Shipping Rule New Verical Link B,+---------------Utilities------------------+ Registration Import Products Import Picture StartUp Upgrade Version BackUp SetEndUserLic AgreeToLic Connect to WWW site Update Database Name Export Orders Export Customers Export Products Export Ordered Items Sharing and Remote Mode...e... FILEEMAILHOST ORDACCTNUMCLEANUP ORDTOTALSUM PRODPICTURE PRODPICTURE DPICTURE Address SetupL Internet SetupM About...N Customers - ListO Credit SetupP OrdersQ CustomersR ProductsS Products - ListT Ordered Items nt)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount),'/')] [/if][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_RemoveTrailing:Pattern='/',(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)))][/if] [/loop][/if] [if:(token_value) == 'update'] 0[loop:(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", count)] ^[if:((form_param:"Quantity", loopcount) == '') || ((form_param:"Quantity", loopcount) == ' ')] [inline:database=" b", layout="www_itemDelete", recid=(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount), ClientUsername=' ', ClientPassword=' ', delete] A[/inline][else][if:(form_param:'prodName')!=''][inline:database=" ", layout="www_updateItem", "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"Quantity", loopcount), "itmProductName"=(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount), Raw), recid=(form_param Helvetica Geneva Arial Times Monaco Arial MT Condensed Light Futura CondensedExtraBold Impact Times New Roman Orders OrderBN ) = "401") ) = 0) Cancel Cancel There are no Orders at this time. Ordered Items ) = "401") ) = 0) Cancel Cancel There are no Ordered Items at this time. rs at this time. Ordered Items Products ) = 0 "Product" ProductC$ "Product" ProductD+ ) = "401" "Product" Product A Customers "Customer" CustomerBN ) = "401") ) = 0) Preferences - Address & = "LIVE") "O") ) = "0" ) = "" PreferencesD PreferencesE- ) = 401 Preferences Registration Cancel Cancel There are no Customers at this time. Import Products = "N" ypInitial valu Increment by "Product" Product ) = "0" ) = "" RegistrationC RegistrationD- ) = 401 RegistrationF+ ) = 0 & = "LIVE" Cancelw pos Owner resource Cancelsource MacTCPDetector Mainv9$> ch-ching! has already been serialized and activated. 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Habit QvSmokers Relief 7-Day Smoking Cessation Program is a scientific breakthrough that CAN help you quit - once and for all. Quit Smoking Smoker's Relief smokersm.jpg 59.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Smokers Relief 7-Day... Smoking The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityset:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' New Product Import Picture Upgrade Version Canceljt 33ttWt xuYou cannot upgrade versions while you have new records in your database. If you would like to upgrade, click OK and I will erase the existing records and import the old records from your previous version.E+ ) = 1 Product BackUp = "N" SetEndUserLic IMACINATION SOFTWARE Ch-Ching! Online Shopping Cart End User Software License PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE 1. License. The application, demonstration, system and other software accompanying this License, whether on disk, in read only memory, or on any other media (the "Software"), the related documentation and fonts are licensed to you by IMACINATION or its local subsidiar Upgrade 2.6.7 AgreeToLic Connect to WWW site Preferences - Credit ) = "0" ) = "" PreferencesC PreferencesD- ) = 401 Preferences About... y, if any ("IMACINATION"). You own the disk on which the Software and fonts are recorded but IMACINATION and/or IMACINATION's Licensor(s) retain title to the Software, related documentation and fonts. This License allows you to use the Software and fonts on a single computer and make one copy of the Software and fonts in machine readable form for backup purposes only. You must reproduce on such copy the IMACINATION copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the origin al copy of the Software and fonts. You may use the Software in a networked environment so long as each computer in such environment is the subject of a license for the Software; however, you may not electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another over a network. You may also transfer all your license rights in the Software and fonts, backup copy of the Software and fonts, the related documentation and a copy of this License to another party, provided the other party read s and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License and you relinquish all your license rights in the Software, backup copies, documentation and related materials. 2. Restrictions. The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material and in order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human-perceivable form. You may not mo dify, network, rent, lease, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software in whole or in part, except for the limited networking described above in Section 1. 3. Termination. This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software, related documentation and fonts and all copies thereof. This License will terminate immediately without notice from IMACINATION if you fail to comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination you must destroy the Software, related documentation fonts and all copies thereof. 4. Export Law Assurances. You agree and certify that neither the Software or any other technical data received from IMACINATION, nor the direct product thereof, will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States. If the Software has been rightfully obtained by you outside of the United States, you a gree that you will not re-export the Software nor any other technical data received from IMACINATION, or the direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which you obtained the Software. 5. Government End Users. If the Software is supplied to the United States Government, the Software is classified as "restricted computer software" as defined in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR. The United St ates Government's rights to the Software are as provided in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR. 6. Disclaimer of Warranty on Software. You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of the Software and fonts is at your sole risk. The Software, related documentation and fonts are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) (for the purposes of provisions 5 and 6, IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) shall be collectively referred to as "IMACINATION") EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IMACINATION DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS OBTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE AND THE FONTS WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, IMACINATION DOES NO T WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND FONTS OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, IMACINATION DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTEE REGARDING THE AUTHENTICITY OR SECURITY OF ANY DIGITAL SIGNATURE GENERATED USING THE SOFTWARE, OR ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION THAT THE PERSON OR ENTITY THAT IS USING SU CH A DIGITAL SIGNATURE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY IMACINATION OR ANY IMACINATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT IMACINATION OR A IMACINATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE AB OVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE TERMS OF THIS DISCLAIMER AND THE LIMITED WARRANTY IN PARAGRAPH 3 DO NOT AFFECT OR PREJUDICE THE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A CONSUMER ACQUIRING IMACINATION PRODUCTS OTHERWISE THAN IN THE COURSE OF A BUSINESS, NEITHER DO THEY LIMIT OR EXCLUDE ANY LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CAUSED BY IMACINATION'S NEGLIGENCE. 7. Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL IMACINATION OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTA L, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPROPER, WRONGFUL, OR FRAUDULENT USE OF THE DIGITAL SIGNATURES GENERATED USING THE SOFTWARE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF IMACINATION OR A IMACINATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMI TATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. In no event shall IMACINATION's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you for the Software, fonts and documentation. 8. Controlling Law and Severability. This License shall be governed by the and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, as applied to agreements entered into and pe rformed entirely within California between California residents. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this License, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the License shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect. 9. Complete Agreement. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with re spect to the use of the Software, related documentation and fonts, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of IMACINATION. Ch-Ching! is a registered trademark of IMACINATION. Ch-Ching! and all logos provided with it are copyright of Imacination Software. Preferences - Internet & = "LIVE") "O") ) = "0" ) = "" PreferencesD PreferencesE- ) = 401 Preferences Customers - List CustomerBN ) = "401") ) = 0) = "N" ) = "0" ) = "" PreferencesD PreferencesE- ) = 401 Preferences Products - List ) = 0 ProductC ProductD+ ) = "401" Product New Customer Customer A New Order Order Find Orders Customer Order Find Customers Customer Cancel Cancel There are no Customers at this time. Customer Find Products Customer "Product" Product Update Database Name = "N" "Preference" PreferenceCB ) = "0" ) = "1" Cancel dA new file, 'name.lasso', has been generated in the same folder as your database. Please replace the old 'name.lasso' file found in the 'includes' folders with the new one. Refer to your manual for additional assistance Export Orders = "N" Export Customers = "N" Export Products = "N" Export Ordered Items Cancel dA new file, 'name.lasso', has been generated in the same folder as your client application. Please replace the old 'name.lasso' file found in the 'includes' folders with the new one. Refer to your manual for additional assistance Address SetupF Internet SetupG About...H Customers - ListI Credit SetupJ OrdersK CustomersL ProductsM Products - ListN Ordered Items = "N" +A*+---------------Perform Finds------------+ ,A)+---------------New Records------------+ Open Layout Close Layout & = "LIVE" Find Taxes New Tax "Tax" "Taxable" Taxable New Verical Link Vertical Sharing and Remote Mode... Do Nothing Delete Portal Row Cancel Delete the link to this product?B+ ) = 1 Cross Relate Product Custom Shipping Leading Enabled Enabled ordOrderTotalB = "Custom" Custom Cancelm Cancel To create a custom shipping script, you must select "Custom" from Shipping Method menu, and Create at least one Shipping Rule name, by selecting "Edit..." from the Rate field. 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Pro 3.0 - 4.1M1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter CUSTATTRIB3 FILECUSTOMER3 NUMCLEANUP PRODDISCPRICEREL Registration ProductE- ) = 0 Attrib 1 - Edit ) = "0" ) = "" PreferencesC PreferencesD- ) = 401 Preferences ate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility erver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t Products - Web Fields Shipping - Web Fields Customers - Web Fields Orders - Web Fields Ordered Items - Web Fields PRODPICTURE PRODPICTUREPATH PRODPICTUREPATHREL PRODPICTUREREL b PRODPRICE PRODPRICEREL PRODPRODUCTCOUNT PRODRELEASED PRODRELEASEDREL PRODSHIPPINGCOST PRODSPECIAL PRODSPECIALREL PRODSUBCATEGORY PRODSUBCATEGORYREL PRODSUBCATINDEX PRODTAXABLE PRODUPC PRODUPCREL PRODUSES PRODUSESREL PRODVERTICALCOUNT PRODVERTICALID PRODWEIGHT f PRODWIDTH TAXAPPLICATION TAXRATE TAXSHIPPING TAXSTATE ingredientsA intenseE intoF it'sA leanE lessenC lessen fatigue stress while promoting better health withC levelH likeF loseA massE medicineG microscopicF mineralH mineralsH mostG motionB muscleE naturalA naturallyF notedF numerousA nutrientsH onceI overH painB patentsA perfectA performanceE pillD pillsH powdersH practiceG processB programI promotingC protectedA provenG pyruvateA quicklyE quitI rangeB readyB recoveryE regainB reliefD relief water retention bloating excess water researchE fectA rejuvenativeB rejuvenative joint therapyB perfect combinationA therapyB assassinC chondroitinB fatigueC fatigue assassinC glucosamineB ersion 2.6.7r3A assassinC glucosamineB Cancel gd@@You cannot upgrade from like versions of Ch-Ching! Please contact Imacination Software for further upgrade information. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t ram:'prodAttrib4', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib4', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttr ib6', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount),'/')] [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcou eads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License and you relinquish all your license rights in the Software, backup copies, documentation and related materials. 2. Restrictions. The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material and in order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human-perceivable form. You may no t modify, network, rent, lease, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software in whole or in part, except for the limited networking described above in Section 1. 3. Termination. This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software, related documentation and fonts and all copies thereof. This License will terminate immediately without notice from IMACINATION if you fail to comply with any provision of 123 Main St.\ Anytowna sales@nutri-pro.come Thank you for your order!h Nutri-Pro, Inc.i 805-555-1212o CAv 93001 11/9/99 store command IMACINATION SOFTWARE Ch-Ching! Online Shopping Cart End User Software License PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE 1. License. The application, demonstration, system and other software accompanying this License, whether on disk, in read only memory, or on any other media (the "Software"), the related documentation and fonts are licensed to you by IMACINATION or its local subsidial subsidiaaa al subsidia local subsidiaits local subs subs bsbsd or its local subse customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 The Ultra-Perfect system is a highly effective combination of Ultra Pyruvate and Fat Absorber. It's perfect if you want to lose weight and trim inches in a safe and natural way. With breakthrough ingredients that are protected by numerous United States government patents. The Perfect Combination Ultra Perfect ultraperfsm.jpg $89.50 e(These are the uses for the Ultra PerfectThe Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility Address SetupJ Internet SetupK About...L Customers - ListM Credit SetupN OrdersO CustomersP ProductsQ Products - ListR Ordered Items Ordered Items - Web FieldsB .[variable_set:'method'=(token_value:'method')] [if:(String_EndsWith: ' ', Find='/')] [inline:database=" ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" ", update] =='Custom'] /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')] 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')] 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum')ring_EndsWith: ' ', Find='/')] [inline:database=" ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName=" ", ClientPassword=" ", update] =='Custom'] /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')] 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')] 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum') shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 11r list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t burgundy sconce unscented candle country@ cranberry@ dipped@ hanging@ inch@ mulberry heavily scented fashioned poured votive sandalwood@ strawberry@ tray@ white@ wicked@ wide@ version@ version 2.6.7b1@ choose sconce candles export@ ch-ching export 7-dayI absorbF absorbedH absorberA acceleratingE achieveE acidsH adavantageE advancedG aminoH arthritisB assassinC assimilatedH athletesE basedG beatB beenG benefitB betterC bindingF bio-medicalG bloatingD bodyD breakthroughA calorieH capsuleF causeD cellularH cessationI chineseG cholesterolH chondroitinB co-factorsH combinationA combinedG competitiveE containsH degenerativeB dietaryE duringE eachF easilyH effectiveA elementsH eliminateF energyE essentialH glucosamineB governmentA healingG healthC helpsD herbalG herbsG highlyA historyG arthritis regain range motiB inchesA increasesE inflammationB X.Nature s Perfect Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Formula Food Perfect foodprfsm.jpg 49.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Food Perfect is 100%... The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility 12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 The Ultra-Perfect sy... Size: 50mg, 100mg Size: Small, Medium Color: Red, Green, Black The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility vernight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els Authorization Code: Comment: ordCustomers: :custFirstName ordCustomers: :custOrganization ordCustomers: :custAddress ordCustomers: :custCountry ordCustomers: :custCity ordCustomers: :custStateProvince ordCustomers: :custPostalCode ordCustomers: :custLastName ordCustomers: :custFirstName ordCustomers: :custOrganization ordCustomers: :custAddress ordCustomers: :custCity ordCustomers: :custStateProvince ordCustomers: :custPostalCoderderedItems::itmQuantity ordOrderedItems::itmProductID ordOrderedItems::itmProductName ordOrderedItems::itmManufacturer ordOrderedItems::itmPrice ordOrderedItems::itmTotalPrice ordShipping ordShippingMethod ordTax ordOrderTotal ordExpirationDate ordShipped ordStatus ordComment ordAccountNumber ordMethod ordAuthCode ordOrderID ordCustomerNumber ordCustomers: :custCustomerID ordOrderDate Return to Orders rDate Return to Orders ordCustomers: :custLastName ordOrderedItems: :itmQuantity ordOrderedItems: :itmProductID ordOrderedItems: :itmProductName !ordOrderedItems: :itmManufacturer ordOrderedItems: :itmPrice ordOrderedItems: :itmTotalPrice ordShipping ordShippingMethod ordTax ordOrderTotal ordExpirationDate ordShipped ordStatus ordComment ordAccountNumber ordMethod ordAuthCode ordOrderID ordCustomerNumber ordCustomers: :custCustomerID ordOrderDate Return to Orders Organization Address Organization Address Email Customer #: f Order ID: Date: j Cust. ID: Order Total: Status: Type: Shipping & Handling: t Exp Date: Shipped: Sold To: Bill To: Orders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders FindFindders Findders Sold To: Bill To: Orders Findders Findders Findders Findders Findders Address SetupS Internet SetupT About...U Customers - ListV Credit SetupW OrdersX CustomersY ProductsZ Products - List[ Ordered Items he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' custAddressB custbillingAddressB custbillingCityB custbillingCountryB custbillingFirstNameB A Customers Orders Products - List www_productsB ied from any responsibility Credit Setup Products Ordered Items 6A Customers Products - List Product Name Manufacturer Price Total Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: Acct #: lbs. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' parties with respect to the use of the Software, related documentation and fonts, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of IMACINATION. Ch-Ching! is a registered trademark of IMACINATION. Ch-Ching! and all logos provided with it are copyright of Imacination Software. Custom Enabled Leading Global ot electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another over a network. You may also transfer all your license rights in the Software and fonts, backup copy of the Software and fonts, the related documentation and a copy of this License to another party, provided the other party r from any responsibilityderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' excessD exerciseE fatigueC fibersF fifteenF fiftyH fluidsD foodH perfect cholesterol sodium foodsF formulaG freeH fromD fuelE fullB givingE glucosamineB governmentA healingG healthC helpI helpsD herbalG herbsG highlyA historyG humanH arthritis regain range motiB inchesA includingH increasesE inflammationB tion Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t "Product" ProductB "Yes" A*+---------------Layouts------------------+ A,+---------------Utilities------------------+ StartUp "Enabled" EnabledK$ "Leading" Leading 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 General Health QNLessen fatigue and stress while promoting better health with Fatigue Assassin. All Natural Ginseng Fatigue Assassin assassinsm.jpg 19.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Lessen fatigue and s... The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t topgunsm.jpg 49.50 Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5 1818542393 Top Gun sexual healt... The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility ) > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' Find Shipping Rules Shipping New Shipping Rule Shipping Find Verical Links Vertical se:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' Address SetupG Internet SetupH About...I Customers - ListJ Credit SetupK OrdersL CustomersM ProductsN Products - ListO Ordered Items Change Password Upgrade 2.6.7r4 www_about...B he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Pain Management If you want to beat arthritis, regain your full range of motion, if your not ready to surrender to the pain and inflammation of the degenerative process, Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate can be of significant benefit to you! Rejuvenative Joint Therapy Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate ] gcssm.jpg 49.95 These are some more uses. Registration Version 2.6.7b2 Version 2.6.7r5list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight: [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30] [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95'] [els e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:' www_internetSetupB either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility [if:(token_value) != 'delete'] [loop:(form_param:'prodName', count)][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName',(loopcount))=(form_param:'prodName', EncodeRaw, (loopcount))] [if:((form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib4', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount) !='') || || ((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount) !='') || Address SetupN Internet SetupO About...P Customers - ListQ Credit SetupR OrdersS CustomersT ProductsU Products - ListV Ordered Items 1818542393 The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts. The following Variables are available to your script for use: method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax state - Customer's shipping state. posta lCode - Customer's shipping postal code. country - Customer's shipping country. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged. Please note: The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax. If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'. An example that is common to t shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)] [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight'] [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)] [/if] 10/29/99p Registrationt Product 8/5/99 Exercise 8Scientific research has verified that this safe, natural dietary supplement increases muscle strength, lean body mass and energy while accelerating energy recovery during intense exercise. Athletes using this natural fuel can achieve better performance and strength quickly giving them a competitive adavantage. Energy Powerhouse Creatine Monohydrate Address SetupH Internet SetupI About...J Customers - ListK Credit SetupL OrdersM CustomersN ProductsO Products - ListP Ordered Items 1818542393 If you want to beat ... Size: Large, XL Color: Orange, Mauve The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling. Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags. Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly. You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityany responsibility se:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95'] [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)] [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95'] [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300] [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95'] [/if] [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day'] [variable_set:'